Ready to find out how your shop compares? 

Some of the useful things you'll learn in the report:

  • Where current sales stack up to expectations by Top Level Category
  • Which Top Level Categories have the most sellers with more than $50,000 in Revenue
  • Revenue by Years on Etsy
  • Years on Etsy, Sales Expectations, and Revenue by Top Level Category
  • And much more...

We've broken this report into 3 sections:

  • High level overview of the findings
  • Deeper insights on shops and markets
  • Detailed look at the most popular categories
  • Marketplace shop categories reporting
  • Years on Etsy
  • 2019 Shop Revenue
  • Current Sales vs Expectations
  • Highest Revenue Markets (percent of shops above $50k)
  • Revenue by Years on Etsy
  • Current Sales vs Expectations by Category
  • Current Sales vs Expectations by Revenue
  • Markets seeing the most improvement

😍Breakdown specific to each market... Example ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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