Marmalead and the Ax

What is Marmalead? Marmalead is a set of tools.  

Is Marmalead an “Easy Button”? Nope! Just like any tool, Marmalead is most effective in the hands of a determined user.  

What is Marmalead’s role in my Etsy business? Think of it like this... 

One day you go to your local hardware store and buy an ax. You’re excited about your new ax so you take it home and happily set it down next to your woodpile…then you wait.  

Pretty soon you realize the ax isn’t going to chop the wood on it’s own. But after some investigating, you discern that in a determined set of hands, your new ax will help you chop all the wood in the pile with speed and efficiency!  

Marmalead is like that ax. Without your hard work and determination, the tools we offer cannot fix your Etsy keywords or singlehandedly create your SEO strategy.  

However, in the hands of a determined Etsy shop owner, Marmalead’s tools can help you reach your Etsy SEO and keyword goals!
